Home Featured News Holiday happenings in OKC and Tulsa

Holiday happenings in OKC and Tulsa

by The 100 Companies

There’s lots of festive cheer to be had at these events:

Oklahoma City

Holidays at Myriad Botanical Gardens – See the Crystal Bridge Conservatory light up after dark and also go ice skating at the Devon Ice Rink.

Bricktown Water Taxi – Take a ride on the water taxi and see the lights along the canal.

Take in a show – From “A Christmas Carol” to “The Nutcracker,” there’s lots to see.


Winterfest – In its 16th year, this festival turns downtown Tulsa into a holiday wonderland.

Winter at Gathering Place – Lots of free holiday events, such as winter crafts, all month long.

– Staff report, The Oklahoma 100

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