Home Business Cristo Rey OKC students create community-supporting apps

Cristo Rey OKC students create community-supporting apps

by The 100 Companies
Cristo Rey mobile app development

A Cristo Rey OKC student demonstrates a tutoring app in which students could find tutors and tutors could advocate for themselves.

National Technology Day occurs annually on Jan. 6 and celebrates what technology has done for our society, and Cristo Rey OKC students are leading in its advancement.

As a part of the Startup Technology class, students learn the basics of mobile app development to design a fully-functional mobile app that advocates for a cause or meets a need in the community. Beyond the programming skills, students work to develop their entrepreneurial mindset which includes critical thinking, adaptability and collaboration.

Watch a student’s app demonstration in the video above and visit CristoReyOKC.org to learn more about Oklahoma City’s top private school.

– Carolyn Taylor, Jones PR

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