Home Lifestyle Simple Hacks for Summertime Symptoms

Simple Hacks for Summertime Symptoms

by The 100 Companies

1. Sunburns

Hack: Aloe vera and ice are great for treating burns. Make aloe vera ice cubes and stock the freezer.

2. Bug bites

Hack: Toothpaste or baking soda. Create an anti-inch serum (one tablespoon of baking soda mixed with water). Rub on bite to reduce inflammation.

3. Poison ivy

Hack: Fruits and vegetables. A freshly cut onion reduces swelling, banana peels moisturize/reduce sting while lemon and lime have anti-itch/antibacterial properties.

4. Swimmer’s ear

Hack: Toynbee maneuver. Take a sip of water, pinch your nose and then swallow keeping your nose pinched. The pressure subsides immediately.

Jake Pasdach, Jones PR

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